The Truth About Investing: Back to Basics
The Truth About Investing: Back to Basics
Welcome to The Podcast!
This is our (new) introduction to the podcast and more of a... table of contents as it were since we've grown so much since the first season. Give it a listen! Tell your friends! Then tell your enemies! Okay maybe not them.
Okay, I'm really just winging this, honestly. So
Sean Cooper:all right, wing away.
Chris Holling:I, the way I see it is we'll just try to do this. And if it sounds terrible, we'll try and do it again. And we'll just we'll just do a couple rounds until I say, Stop button. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Let's see. So then then the music plays, right, I think I think music intro is important. Welcome, everybody to the truth about investing back to basics. My name is Chris Holling.
Sean Cooper:And I'm Sean Cooper.
Chris Holling:And this is your magical introduction, or table of contents, as it were, or or kind of both. we've, we've been active now for about a year, believe it or not, that's kind of kind of wild to me. And we're slowly starting to creep up on
Sean Cooper:750 downloads. did you see that?
Chris Holling:just hit that yesterday, actually. So we're 750 downloads, you know, it's I'm not saying we're better than others that are only at 700 downloads, but and
Sean Cooper:as long as we're not looking at somebody who has like, a million plus, downloads
Chris Holling:we don't talk about those guys no, Don't talk about those guys. But we we want this
Sean Cooper:yes, or at least one of the reasons why it's it's to be a introduction into into us, we we try to bring down investing to a level that everybody can really understand and very lucky to have Sean here with us with his level of years of expertise. And and I'm really just learning along with everybody and and the comedic relief at best. And we do go into who we are and talk about ourselves in the first episode. But this table of contents is to welcome you to come and listen to us. And to let you know, the first season is all about health care and health insurance. And lots of the ins and outs of that because we think it's important for people to understand why it's important to invest for the long haul. And definitely a big, big cash outflow that you eventually get hit with later in life or maybe earlier in life. And it's just good to be aware of those things and and know
Chris Holling:Sure. some of the realities to it. Whereas the second season, if you decide to jump into that side, or only focus on the first season, the second season is a lot more focused on the framework of how to get started to make sure that you are ready to start investing, we are gearing up to start our third season coming up here soon. And third season will be the actual act of investing itself. And I know that that seems a long ways out. But I think that we've covered a lot of really good stuff and done a lot of good detail. So bring bring your your coffee, maybe a notepad, and really just enjoy the ride if you can, because it's been a great interest. Interesting. I can't speak English either. But it's been a very interesting experience for me the whole way. And, and I hope it's been
Sean Cooper:likewise
Chris Holling:the same for Sean. See, see? I you know, I paid him to say that and that's fine. But
Sean Cooper:Wow, I don't get paid much sleep.
Chris Holling:We don't get paid much.
Sean Cooper:We don't get paid anything.
Chris Holling:That's right.
Sean Cooper:Well can I throw something in and you can edit it how you like?
Chris Holling:Yeah
Sean Cooper:I mean, kind of the way you address this to me, Chris was that this was designed to be a guide so that people could jump in, get a feel for where the pod podcast has been and where it's going so that they can enter at any point in the podcast without going through a bunch of stuff that they might already know or doesn't interest them. And this way they can get right to the meat of what they're trying to learn about.
Chris Holling:That's exactly what I wanted to say. Did I not say that? I probably didn't say that very well. That's perfect. That Welcome Welcome to the meat and potatoes. And yeah, jump where you like they should be labeled appropriately. Welcome to the truth about investing back to basics.